How to make Wi-Fi Calling

How to make Wi-Fi Calling?

Wi-Fi Calling service had been started by Airtel, Jio and other carriers. Though Airtel, Jio and other carrier started giving services of Wi-Fi calling, but most of the handset were not compatible with Wi-Fi calling feature, to make or receive call through Wi-Fi.

But now most of the handset maker started giving the Wi-Fi calling feature in their old devices through OTT (Over the Top) update. And the new devices are already receiving Wi-Fi calling feature out of the box.

How to make Wi-Fi Calling

What is Wi-Fi Calling?

Wi-Fi Calling is a feature, which helps to have a High Definition (HD) quality voice service that uses a High Speed Internet connection, which allows you to make or receive calls over a Wi-Fi network. One can make or receive calls with Wi-Fi using their own phone number at no additional cost. Charges applicable only as per their carrier plan.

Why there is a need for Wi-Fi Calling?

Wi-Fi Calling helps you to connect seamlessly with your family and friends, when cellular service is not available or one has poor mobile network issues in their area. Call drop is one of the common issue.

When Wi-Fi Calling should be made?

Wi-Fi calling can be made at any time, as far as one is having Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi Calling should be preferred to be made only when there is a poor network issue or one faces the difficulties to make or receive the calls. If there is no mobile network issue, then there is no need to call through Wi-Fi.

How to make Wi-Fi Calling in Airtel, Jio, and other carrier in Android Phone and IPhone iOS?

Android Phone

First switch on your Wi-Fi on the phone and get connected with the Wi-Fi network at your area.

Then go to “Settings” tap on it

Then tap on “Dual SIM & Mobile Network

Now tap on “SIM 1

Then tap on “Wi-Fi Calling

That’s it. Now you can call you near and dear ones.

Note: Wi-Fi calling improves only your call quality, you still need to have carrier plan to have the service of Wi-Fi calling.

How to make Wi-Fi Calling

How to make Wi-Fi Calling

IPhone iOS

First switch on your Wi-Fi on the phone and get connected with the Wi-Fi network at your area.

Then go to setting and open the Settings app.

Now Tap on Phone Wi-Fi Calling.

Switch the Wi-Fi Calling on This iPhone slider to on.

You'll see a warning about location data and what your carrier collects. Tap Enable to turn on Wi-Fi Calling

To whom Wi-Fi Calling is beneficial?

Wi-Fi Calling is beneficial for those people, who faces poor mobile network issue around their area. With the help of the Wi-Fi, they can get rid from the poor connectivity issue, that also with no additional charge. One will be charge only for their existing voice and data plan.


We hope, that, now you know how to make Wi-Fi calling through your respective carrier from your Android phone as well as through IPhone.

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