How To Hide Apps In Vivo Phone

Mastering Privacy: A Guide to Hiding Apps on Vivo Smartphones

Our smartphones in the digital age are a veritable gold mine of personal data.

From sensitive conversations to confidential documents, our devices are a window into our lives.

But what if you want to keep certain aspects of your digital life private, even from prying eyes? Vivo smartphones offer a solution with their intuitive interface that allows users to hide apps effortlessly.

In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to conceal apps on your Vivo device, ensuring your privacy remains intact.

Understanding the Need for App Hiding

Privacy concerns have become increasingly prevalent in today's interconnected world.

Whether you're safeguarding personal conversations, financial information, or simply maintaining a sense of autonomy, hiding apps can provide an added layer of security and peace of mind.

Vivo understands the importance of privacy, offering users a seamless way to conceal apps without the need for third-party software.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding Apps on Vivo

1. Navigate to Settings

Begin by unlocking your Vivo smartphone and accessing the Settings menu.

This can typically be found by swiping down from the top of the screen and tapping on the gear icon, or by locating the Settings app in your app drawer.

2. Select App Split-screen & Multitasking

Once in the Settings menu, scroll down until you find the "App Split-screen & Multitasking" option.

This feature is designed to enhance multitasking capabilities on your device, including the ability to hide apps discreetly.

3. Choose "Hide Apps"

Find the "Hide Apps" option under the "App Split-screen & Multitasking" settings. Tap on it to proceed to the app hiding interface.

4. Select Apps to Hide

You will now see a list of all the apps installed on your Vivo smartphone.

Simply select the apps you wish to hide by ticking the checkboxes next to their names.

You can choose as many apps as you like, depending on your privacy preferences.

5. Confirm Selection

Once you've selected the desired apps, tap on the "Done" or "Confirm" button to finalize your choices.

Vivo will then hide the selected apps from your home screen and app drawer, making them accessible only through a specific process.


6. Access Hidden Apps

To access the hidden apps on your Vivo device, simply pinch outwards on the home screen or perform a two-finger swipe upwards.

This will reveal the hidden apps, allowing you to launch them discreetly whenever needed.

Additional Tips for Enhanced Privacy

Secure Your Device: Utilize biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint or facial recognition to prevent unauthorized access to your device.

Regularly Review Hidden Apps: Periodically revisit the hidden apps menu to ensure that only necessary apps are concealed, removing any that are no longer required.

Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the latest privacy features and updates offered by Vivo, ensuring that you're maximizing the security of your device.


In an era where digital privacy is paramount, Vivo empowers users to take control of their personal data with the ability to hide apps effortlessly.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that sensitive information remains secure and accessible only to those you trust.

Protect your privacy, maintain peace of mind, and embrace the convenience of app hiding on your Vivo smartphone.

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