How To Strike Out Text in Whatsapp


WhatsApp is a widely used messaging application, offering a plethora of features to enhance your communication.

While bold, italics, and underline are standard text styling options, striking out text can add emphasis or convey a unique message.

Although WhatsApp doesn't have a dedicated strikethrough feature, there's a simple workaround to achieve this effect.

In this article, we'll guide you on how to effectively strike out text in WhatsApp using a straightforward method.

Mastering Text Styling: How to Strike Out Text in WhatsApp

The Tilde (~) Method:

To simulate strikethrough text, WhatsApp users can employ the tilde (~) symbol, which is a versatile tool for text formatting.

By wrapping your text with tildes, you can achieve the desired strikethrough effect.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use the tilde method to strike out text in WhatsApp:

1. Open WhatsApp and Select a Chat:

Open the WhatsApp application on your smartphone and choose the chat where you want to send the strikethrough text.

2. Compose the Message:

    Begin composing your message, including the text you wish to strike out.

3. Add Tildes (~) Around the Text:

    Place a tilde (~) before and after the text you want to strike through. For example:   ~whatsapp~

4.Preview and Send:

Before sending the message, review the preview to ensure the text appears as intended. If it's to your satisfaction, hit the send button.

Tips for Effective Usage:

Combine with Other Formatting Options:

Experiment by combining strikethrough text with bold, italics, or underline to create eye-catching messages and emphasize your point.

Use in Various Scenarios:

Strikethrough text can be used to mark corrections, indicate updates, or create a sense of urgency in your messages.

Check Display Consistency:

Different devices and versions of WhatsApp may display strikethrough text slightly differently. Always check the preview to ensure the desired effect is achieved.


While WhatsApp doesn't have a built-in feature for strikethrough text, the tilde (~) method provides a simple and effective workaround.

By employing this technique, you can enhance your messages and convey your message with style.

Experiment with different combinations and use strikethrough text judiciously to grab attention and make your communication more impactful on WhatsApp.

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